We're doing Hoops4Schools and fundraising for The BUSY School
Did you know, 1 in 5 Australian students are disengaged with their education? That means, they have disengaged from their schooling and are at risk of not completing Year 12. That's 20% of all school students...
Many of these young people have experienced bullying or have mental health challenges, problems at home or a variety of reasons that have made attending traditional school difficult.
So, we're hitting the court to show our support for these students. Our team's aim is to sink hoops as many times as we can between August 16 and September 5. Can you help, or do you want to join us?
Thank you to our Sponsors

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Congratulations team Covella on sinking an impressive 949 hoops!

Mitchell Wiggins

Jack Mooney

Congratulations team Helensvale Office, and the Friday Desk Dunkers on your amazing efforts!